
Mo SmithRISE (Reaching the ISolated Elderly) was a project initiated by REGENERATE.com in 2001 following a participatory needs assessment of the Roehampton area by the Wandsworth Primary Care Trust.  REGENERATE.com was started in January 2000 by Mo Smith and her son Andy SmithRoehampton blocks when they identified the need for a Lunch Club in the heart of the Alton Estate - the second most deprived area in the borough of Wandsworth.

From those small beginnings sprang RISE in Roehampton. Following the closure of the Robert Joy Day Centre in Putney, a second RISE was opened to reach the isolated elderly in Putney from the Platt Christian Centre in Felsham Road, Putney and has beenfunded by Wandsworth Borough Council ever since.

In April 2006 REGENERATE.com divided into two organisations with each one focusing on their specific target group and a new Company Limited by Guarantee and registered charity called Regenerate-RISE was born. In April 2007 Regenerate-RISE amalgamated their two projects into one and works from the Platt Christian Centre in Putney.


Mission Statement

To transform the lives of isolated older people through a programme of care and support which respects, values and encourages independence in later life

Compassion and kindness is at the heart of the services we provide and we look forward to the changes that we are facing following the Covid-19 pandemic.  Isolation during Covid was a major problem for a generation that are not in the main digitally active and the withdrawal of face-to-face services from health and social care professionals has led to a deterioration of health and wellbeing and we look forward to new and innovative ideas to bring the community back together again.


*edit this*

A New Vision of Care

The Trustees of Regenerate-RISE are always looking forward to how we can best serve our local communities. One of our projects that reaches out to the community is a new project of providing "Discharge Boxes" for older people leaving St George's Hospital, Tooting.


We would like our care to extend beyond the members who attend RISE or who are visited regularly to those in our community to those who are in a specifically vulnerable position - and that is often those who are in hospital and do not have family or friends to visit them.  We hope to still provide dressing gowns along with the essential goods that ensure a patient has supplies when they return home.






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© Regenerate RISE 2006-2024. Registered Charity No 1118543. Company Limited by Guarantee No 5758108.
Registered Office: The Platt Christian Centre, 22 Felsham Road, SW15 1DA. Privacy | Cookies | Website: Strikingly Simple