The New RISE Reablement Centre
Regenerate-RISE is fundraising to build a 10 bed unit to enable older people to rehabilitate after staying in hospital, before being able to return home. We are planning to build this above the Platt Christian Centre in Putney and it will be a modern intermediate care centre dedicated to supporting older people to be able to live in the community. Each room will have an en suite bathroom, TV, telephone and computer access with skype for those who have relatives abroad or the other end of the country and each in-patient will be allocated a volunteer/friend who will take them out and also continue to visit them when they return home. The Centre will be staffed with professional people all who will assist older people to be able to live back in the community. We have planning permission and our time line is as follows:
Planning Permission granted in June 2017
Fundraising the remaining £1,243,357 By February 2020
Start Construction - Stage 1 March/April 2020
Fundraise for internal costs April 2020 - January 2021
Start Internal Fixtures, Fittings and Decor February 2021
If you would like to be a history-maker and revolutionise the care of older people, please help us to build this Centre by giving us a donation to make the vision become a reality. Cheques made payable to Regenerate-RISE or through Just Giving with reference RRC. Three of our clients went to a building site to have their photos taken and are joining us with this campaign to raise the remainder of the funds. Together we can build the future for older people in our communities.If you would like to organise a fundraising event, please contact us and
we will support you. We are really looking forward to being at the forefront of care for the elderly in the future and believe that if the Reablement Centre is a success, it could be the start of many being built across the UK.
On Monday, 8 April we held our first PR event and 55 companies, organisations and individuals attended. Please see our new DVD on the front of our website
We are looking forward to the year ahead - if anyone would like to sponsor Julia or Martin for their sky dive on Saturday, 1 June, please email We will also be organising a Quiz Night in June and if you would like to enter a team, please let us know.
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Fundraising for the Reablement Centre
Martin and Julia raised an amazing £4,173.78 following their skydive in early June. It was a great day out and a few of us witnessed their "jump" from a plane and admired their bravery. Not something that everyone would do!! Well done and thank you so much.
We held our cafe on Saturday, 20 July and our members enjoy having their nails done, a three course lunch, Bingo, a raffle and meeting with friends. We raised £275 on the day and everyone had a great day.
We are very grateful to the Putney Society for a recent donation of £500 towards the new Centre, to the Porters Trust for £5000 and greateful to individuals who have donated recently.
The Kenilworth Courtiers recently won our Quiz of the Year 2019 - congratulations. Tied second were the Dover House Divas and Jackie's giants - well done and thank you to everyone who attended. We raised an amazing £600 in one evening, which was brilliant.
The Dover House Divas, who came joint second also raised £1,224.10 at their Summer Concert - thank you so much.
If you would like to organise a fundraising event to raise money for the new Centre, please contact us.
© Regenerate RISE 2006-2025. Registered Charity No 1118543. Company Limited by Guarantee No 5758108.
Registered Office: The Platt Christian Centre, 22 Felsham Road, SW15 1DA. Privacy | Cookies | Website: Strikingly Simple